Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Wang Pu Liao"

Never thought some fish could cost its weight of gold?Asked around, some people like it and naturally because of the highly prized they've paid,mostly will just say ok..lor!!! I always thought it's just another fish..what so special about this fish compared to other fishes in this region?Is it because of the high demand  by the consumers that it's pricey or Is it because of the rear species breeding in this region???

The Empurau(Tor tambroides) is the most expensive fish in Sarawak.According to some people,it is highly prized for it's sweet,tender flesh and smooth texture.Believe it or not,the Empurau can fetch between RM40 -RM100 per 100grams.Imagine paying RM1000 for a dish of steamed or curry fish (minimum order is 1kg,which can serve about 10 pax)
A freshwater fish native to Sarawak,the Empurau can be found in the upper reaches of major rivers such as Rajang,Baram,Limbang and Batang Ai.Generally,it lives in swift clear rocky-bottomed streams and feeds on plant parts like leaves,fruites and flowers,which contribute to its delicate taste.

In Chinese it's call "Wang Pu Liao" meaning unforgettable because once you taste it,you will never forget it!!!



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